
Showing posts from June, 2011

Generating 16k ROM using Xilinx IP COREGEN and simulating it in modelsim

The instruction ROM is an IP Core. so before interfacing with the open8, it has to be generated. The method of generating and simulating a ROM Xilinx IP Core is described here. FIND ALL THE FILES HERE 1. app.coe (the initialization file) 2. rom_16k_core.vhd 3. rom_16k_core.vho 4. rom_16k_core.xco 5. top_level.vhd 6. Creation of the ROM Xilinx 10.1 1. open ISE 2. create a new project 3. tools -> core generator(12.1) (or right click on the device and add a new file 10.1) 4. In the IP catalog -> Memory and storage elements -> RAM and ROM 5. double click on block memory generator, A new window opens 6. In the new window select single port ROM click next, Write first mode 7. Select Read Width = 8 and Read Depth = 16384 for 16K ROM -> next 8. The output ports are unregistered, load initialization COE if required -> next 9. No need to use the Reset pin -> next 10. Generate. (takes a little time then shows successfully generated) This...

BUG in open8 - solved - It is not a bug but a misunderstanding, THANK YOU Mr. SETH HENRY

Hi, There was a misunderstanding regarding to the bug I had encountered while using open 8 core. The bug is that there was a displacement of 1 cycle in the processor code while fetching the return address executing the "RTI" instruction. It is described in detail here . This is not actually a bug because the processor was pipelined in such a way that the data was to be read from the memory in a span of 2 cycles while my assumption about the memory model was that data was fetched in 1 cycle. This pipelining was done in order to increase the frequency of operation. So the memory model is described as follows - 16 k single ported ROM in the write first mode. width = 8 and depth = 16k (16384). The pipeline operation is described here as a stand alone project. (not connected to the open8) library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity rom_16k is port(   Clock             ...