
Showing posts with the label Life :)

Aasai Mugam Maranthu Poche

Bharathiyar, for tamil people, needs no introduction. He was a great tamil poet and a contemporary of Rabindranath Tagore. The world had the good fortune of reading Tagore's beautiful lines as many were written in English but was not so lucky when it came to the poems of Bharathi.  Maybe Bharathi deserves better than what we can offer. Here is one of his songs, translated with not so much justice done. He lost his mother at a very early age. When the only picture he had that reminded him of her gets lost, to the love of his life, poetry, he says I have forgotten the lovely face, To whom can I show my grief my dear friend? Even if my heart remembers the vivd love, why has my memory failed to keep the face intact, my dear friend? The bee that thinks no more of nectar, The flower that consigns the sun to oblivion, The vegetation that fails to recollect the rain, Has never existed. Why am I the aberration my dear friend? What purpose do these eyes serve if I cannot remember the ...

The shot never fired

"I will go to paradise" he thought. Sitting there with the gun in his pocket in the jeep. He was waiting. "When do they come?" his friend asked. "4:30" he said keeping his mind focused on the task he had been given. "I will go to paradise and I will be under the feet of the almighty. I will be freed from my sins since I am doing this for him." he thought. "but....". He had long stopped listening to the tiny squeeky voice inside his head. Whenever he was on a mission dictated to him by god, the voice was there. A voice at a pitch slightly higher than his voice. The voice always questioned him. It always started with a but. He had learnt to control it. He was taught to not listen to the voice. "It is the devil" they told him when he was all but 14. "If you listen to the voice, you will be condemned for all eternity to hell. you will be burning in brimstone. You will know only pain and suffering". His tiny mind was a...

The answer that is known but still unknown.

  " No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge." Whatever you have learnt is not new. It is already known to you. You are made aware of it by a teacher. It is human nature to know if told, to forget with time and then know again. Nevertheless we know it already.  It is the duty of the teacher to enlighten the student of what he already knows. The teacher cannot give his knowledge to the student but rather takes the student to what he knows by virtue of reasoning and coherent discussion. What the teacher actually gives the student is his love.  "And even as each one of you stands alone in God's knowledge, so must each one of you be alone in his knowledge of God and in his understanding of the earth." These are my interpretation of the words of Khalil Gibran. The clarity of his thought resonate truth in me. It seems true that whatever we understand we already know. So it is in us the ans...

What is important and what is not.

It is in stark contrast, how the rich differ from the poor. The extravagance is so appalling. I have seen poor schools back home. I have seen their resources and how people study there. It was only recently that I saw a "rich" school. It raised a number of questions in me. What is the need for an XBOX 360 and LCD Tvs in a school? Why do people put money in buying xbox 360s in schools when many schools do not have benches for people to sit on? Who needs to learn the art of bowling and para sailing when other people do not have a foot ball to play with? How is the rich privileged to do what ever they want and the poor need to have do with whatever little they have? Why is it that it is the rich who complain and poor are content with what they have despite the responsibilities they shoulder, burdened upon them by the rich? How can the rich take ownership of the "resources" that is bestowed upon all of us by mother nature? How can mother nature be partial? Can mot...
My dad is an amazing poet. I am posting here a few of his Poems. Enjoy :) A sense silently pervades. of solace ? the sense permeates. of fulfillment ? the deep crevices of my heart is filled with a serene sensation. solitude ? achievement ? i wonder... words ebb as slight pink baubles from the silent silvery lake of my mind, to burst forth on the canvas of the terminal, to converse with you of something tangible to me. a reaching is ma...

Truth and Lie

Truth and Lie decisions decisions choices that defines our lives that defines our goals and our means choices that define you. what is good and what is bad nobody really knows what is right and what is wrong both the definitions are lost in the entangled webs of self righteousness and practicality. none of them exist. pretty pictures in the minds of individuals, a hallucination for the begging soul to make believe. there are choices then there is the truth and there is the lie. choose wisely between the truth and the lie choose wisely who you are.


Purpose In life all things seem futile. the work being done, the events that occur. seems irrelevent to any condition random acts that seem to arise from the whim and fancy of the snake charmer. we dance in awkward steps to the barbaric noises from his drum going around in circles banality and platitude. experiences, situations, exercises, tests that seem to take us no where. progress?? no. hard work achieving what? no idea. stagnant sardonic and even ridiculous at times the pull is strong to stop the bull shit the utter futility in doing the job the laziness the lack of reason the lack of motivation sometimes it seems logical to just give up but know that what you see are just the dots unconnected dots spread around in space and time irrelevent and even irritating to the untrained eye. there is a grand picture that comes out of joining the dots. a beautiful plan unfolding slowly dots that can be connected. so hang in there when the dots are being la...