OpenSPARCT1 - Synthesizing only the Instruction Fetch Unit in ISE
In order to study the Instruction Fetch Unit, I thought the RTL schematic view of ISE would be a useful tool. So i collected all the necessary files to synthesize the Instruction Fetch Unit alone of the OpenSPARCT1 core. Here I document the steps The files that are required for IFU are present in OpenSPARCT1/design/sys/iop/sparc/rtl/Flist.ifu Xilinx 10.1 is to be used. Steps 1. Open xilinx10.1 2. create a new project IFU_Sparc 3. Open OpenSPARCT1/design/sys/iop/sparc/rtl/Flist.ifu 4. Add all the files that are specified in the file to the new project 5. Add all the files that are present in design/sys/iop/sparc/ifu/rtl 5. Add all the header files present in /opensparc/design/sys/iop/include 6. Added all the files inside design/sys/common/rtl to the project (simplicity sake) 7. Add all files inside design/sys/srams/ to the project (simplicity sake) 8. Add files OpenSPARCT1/lib/u1.behV and OpenSPARCT1/lib/m1.behV. Rename the files to u1behV.v and m1behV.v so that they are ...