Virtual Simulation using NAOSIM

NAOSIM is used to simulate the NAO in a virtual environment. Make sure NAOSIM, CHOREOGRAPHE, NAOQI are installed.

1.     Launch CHOREOGRAPHE
2.     Launch NAOSIM
3.     In NAOSIM click on the start button (the play button) to start the virtual NAO
4.     In CHOREOGRAPHE, click connect and select the local NAO which has the name of the computer

Handling objects in NAOSIM
1.     Open the NAOSIM window
2.     Click on view – objects
3.     Select an object and click on the location where you want the object to be placed.
4.     You can rotate, move and resize the object using the icons that are present on the NAOSIM toolbar
5.     To delete an either select the object and press delete key (Fn+backspace in Mac) or go to view – explorer and select the object and press the delete key (Fn+bakcspace in Mac).

Testing behavior in NAOSIM
1.     Create a behavior in CHOREOGRAPHE  (example endless walk inside motion in the box library)
2.     Start the simulation
3.     You can see NAO performing the behavior in the NAOSIM window
4.     To stop the simulation, click on the stop button in the CHOREOGRAPHE window and not the NAOSIM.
5.     If you click on the stop button in the NAOSIM window, the connection with CHOREOGRAPHE gets terminated and you need to connect again.
6.     You can see what NAO is seeing using view – camera

Errors: Some times NAOSIM shows an blank window as shown in fig.

This is due to zooming in too close or a bug in NAOSIM, you can work around it by
1.     Click view – explorer
2.     Click on an item in the list
3.     Press F key
4.     The window focus is on the item selected which fixed the issue


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