OPENPICIDE (simulator for picoblaze) : beginners tutorial
WORKING WITH OPENPICIDE (Continuation of the tutorial which describes the setup of the software in ubuntu) How to open a new project 1. Project -> new project 2. In the window that pops up version -> fil as per requirements processor -> XIlinx picoblaze family Processor (tab) -> Picoblaze 3 (Note : Memory bank size = 1024 instruction. Rest is the default) compiler (tab) -> Entity name : prog_rom (Name of required output vhd/v file) VHDL template file : /location_of_kcpsm3/Assembler/rom_form.vhd Verilog template file : /location_of_kcpsm3/Assembler/rom_form.v sources -> if you have the assembly program ready put it here applicaiton -> editor options set as per user requirement NOTE IMPORTANT while writing the program 1. Certain syntaxes are different INPUT - IN OUTPUT - OUT RETURN - RET need to write a script to automate conversion. 2. "constants" syntax is different - yet to find out the new syntax (kindly let me kn...