Setting up the SDK for NAO in MAC

The source developer kit allows you to write your own Cpp or python script to be executed by the NAO. This post explains how to set up the SDK in Mac.

Download and Installation of NAO SDK
1.     Download SDK from -> software -> downloads
2.     Download cmake from and install
3.     Extract the SDK to a location (say: /path to/sdk/)
4.     export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH= /path to/sdk/lib
5.     export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH = /path to/sdk/lib
6.     export PYTHONPATH = /path to/sdk/lib
7.     go to /path to/sdk/modules/src/examples/helloworld/
8.     mkdir build
9.     cd build
10.  cmake –DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path to/sdk/toolchain-pc.cmake ..
11.  make
No errors must occur

-Cmake and the toolchain works properly in MAC no problems




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